Content Creation

Tell a story... and WIN!

The best wait to capture your audience’s attention is by telling a story. This way you can share your experiences and talk about your services and products appealingly. This story must be aligned with your vision, your values, and it must be a way to answer your customer’s questions and address their concerns.

Let’s consider that most people spent over 20 hours a week interacting with people using their smartphones. We also buy, research, and hire services using different apps. It means that all these applications are in constant competition to capture the attention of the audience. Telling a story is what will make it attractive.

Your proposition needs to solve for your customers, but it also needs to do it in a way that is easy to understand easy to follow and it flows with the audience. Your customer expects to find an answer to their situation, and you need to provide it. Think about the time when you were in high school, or college and the best teachers always had a story to tell before the lecture.

By sharing a story, you help your customer to understand the subjects of discussion in a context and it will be successful if all these relate to them, and it’s aligned took what they’re looking for. Sometimes we don’t even know what we’re looking for so having a story will help us broaden our search as well as expand our understanding of the solutions we are looking for.

Telling a story will help you connect at a human level with your audience. And it must be consistent across the different channels you might use, for example, your blogs, social media, or e-mail marketing. It will also make your customer feel they are the main character in your story and that is appealing that is a great way to make them feel important because you are letting them know that you understand their needs.

Your story needs to tell what you’re doing; it’s a very entertaining way to share your services and products in a way that is easy to understand. For example, you can talk about ROI, investment, risk, new opportunities, and so forth. Numbers are always a cold way to share facts. But if you present all these numbers, all these statistics in a way that they tell a story it will have a more profound impact on your audience. It will be easier to understand and to follow. It will stick for a longer time in the minds of those who attended your presentation.

Now, how do we do this? In his book “Start with WHY”, Simon Sinek explains that “people don’t value what you do, they buy WHY you do it”. So right there you have the best way to tell your story. Share why you do it, why you are passionate about this, and why you want to share it with your customers.

In conclusion; your story must:

  • Make your customer the main character.
  • Solve their problems.
  • Be easy to follow, clear and concise.
  • Be consistent across your channels.
  • Create that human connection.

If you want to learn more about how to tell your story, please contact us! We love what we do and that is WHY we want to share it with you, we want to help you reach your customers at a higher level, a human level let’s get together and design your strategy. Let’s create your ArgotPLAN.


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