How SEO ranks your content?

As you know, in previous posts we explained SEO and its relevance, but how does this work and why do we need to do our best while planning and performing it in our website?

First, you need to have a clear understanding of how Google finds, analyzes, and ranks your content. This depends on three main metrics (or topics); Discovery, Relevance, and Authority. Creating high-quality content helps you improve the first two. Authority is improved by having high-quality back-links to your website. Let’s divide the SEO strategy in two main groups:

  • Stages: discovery, relevance, and authority
  • Actions: crawling, indexing, and ranking 


  • Discovery: the Search Engine bots will first discover your site and then they will take note of all the content in it. This is called “crawling”.
  • Relevance: then, these Search Engines will decide how relevant your site, and its content are. To do this the SE will refer to some search queries and then your content will be indexed, based on signals like keywords contained in it.
  • Authority: to do this you need to build credibility using and adding backlinks. once you have them, the SE will start comparing and ranking your site against metrics and parameters. the more authoritative your site is, the stronger ranking it will get, hence the higher it will be displayed in search results.


  • Crawling: this action is close related to the Discovery. This is what help the Search Engines FIND your site.
  • Indexing: this one helps improve your site’s Relevance. Indexing is the way Search Engines categorize your website or landing page. 
  • Ranking: YES! It is what provides your site with a certain level of Authority. The higher the ranking, the better the authority. This impacts how high up the list of search results your site is found and is how the Search engines decide what sites to feature, and which ones are the most credible sources.

Make your content relevant so that it will help you get exposure and high-quality backlinks. There are many options for your SEO Strategy, so do not think that any given option is the one that will work for you; you need to analyze them and select the right one. Focus on the three stages, but start by building authority first. Then plan how to manage and create high-quality content. Think of a way to make it attractive to people so that it becomes their reference in the future. Share your content, via emails, newsletters, or Social media. And finally use high-quality backlinks, as mentioned before your content will help you get these backlinks as it becomes more popular and has a better ranking.

Useful links

To learn more about a successful campaign, try these links:

These two are the most common, and a great first step to understanding what you need to do!

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