Website development

Landing or Website?

The FIRST step in creating your Digital Marketing strategy is deciding whether you need a full website or just a Landing page. These two resources might seem the same, but they serve different purposes. We have listed some of the most important characteristics of each so that you can decide which one is the best solution for your needs.


  • Consists of several sections: Home, Services, Contact, etc.
  • More content
  • Can offer subscription opportunities
  • Users may create access accounts, if necessary
  • It can benefit from linking to one or more Landing Pages for promotion purposes
  • May offer advanced information management services
  • Can help you generate a Customer or Subscribers database
  • Offers both inward and outward connection with your staff or your customers and purveyors
  • Enables intertwined relations towards and from your customers, partners, and providers’ websites services

Landing page

  • Its target is the acquisition of leads and database generation
  • Uses a contact form to get the visitor’s information
  • Promotes a product or service with more focus and dedication
  • May run temporarily, according to your current advertising campaigns
  • Helps to establish direct communication with your clients
  • Used in tandem with e-mail and social media campaigns
  • Dynamic content with greater visual impact
  • Offers some kind of free item or benefit in exchange for the visitors’ information
You need to plan according to your needs. You can start with a Landing Page and then evolve to a full website, where you can launch an e-store or different promotions and a product or services catalog, to mention a few. There are many resources to learn how to do this, but eventually a complete Digital Marketing Strategy is handled by a specialized agency; even the larger firms prefer to outsource these efforts. And because you need the best options, please contact us so that we can help you out.

Useful links

To learn more about a successful campaign, try these links:

These are the a great first step to understanding what you need to do!

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